2 Tap T style Tower Brushed Copper finish
T style tower is a space saving slender column draft beer tower with all faucets lined on the horizontal arm at appropriate distances to pour beer at the right temperature. Used to dispense multiple beer styles simultaneously.
This 2-tap draft beer tower comes in Brushed Copper finish over brass gives a rustic look and will be a great attraction in your bar.
The glycol recirculation loop+ cooling technology maintains the desired beer temperature in long drawn systems. The Flow control taps used allow flow adjustment and give a less foam head to the beer when poured.
Beer Taps are used for controlling the release of beer. Draft beer is a beer that’s “on tap,” as opposed to bottled. Next time you’re at a bar or a restaurant that has a bar, take a look at the bar itself and you’ll see a row of labeled levers. Those are the beers the bar has on tap and they’re generally fresher than the bottled selection.
The European Flow control tap used allows flow adjustment and gives a less foam head to the beer when poured.
2 Tap T style Tower Brushed Copper finish is a European style tap variant.
Also known as Flow control tap for its flow adjusting knob, European faucet has a thinner and longer spout than US faucet – this results in a beer pour with less foam head.
Glycol Recirculation Loop+ Technology:
Glycol Recirculation Loop+ Technology is a Triple Layer Insulation. Stainless Steel Glycol Recirculation Loop + Tube is used for optimum cooling transfer. Glycol +, a food-grade antifreeze is mixed with water and used as the coolant in the chiller. It is highly efficient in maintaining the temperature required for the perfect pour right up to the faucet.
Selecting the appropriate cooling technology from cooler to the faucet can help overcome critical challenges that are inherent to dispensing fresh crisp beer, especially in long drawn systems.
Glycol recirculation loop+ technology is an excellent way to ensure the same.
It Includes:
- PU Foam for optimum insulation
- 100% Stainless Steel Contact with Beer
- Aluminum Foil Tape for optimum cooling distribution